About Me

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I am a wife and mother who also has cystic fibrosis and a mitochondrial disease.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My family and I went to see Up the other night. I won't reveal anything about it for those who want to see it, but...

I cried. Of course all Disney/Pixar movies are like that. This one was different though. This was MY movie. I wish I could explain it but all I can say is that sitting there watching the screen I identified myself with one of the characters and my husband did the same thing. We didn't even really talk about it until we left the theater. It was just one of those wierd coincidences that happen on occassion I guess.

This morning I am getting ready for a round of IV therapy in Frederick. What I really want to do is to crawl back in bed; but I know the lack of energy is a direct result of no IV's for 2 weeks. Bad Chrissy. *smacks hand*

Other than that, everything here is going well; my daughter Kate is almost out of school. My husband hasn't been feeling well lately, but the doctor prescibed some high blood pressure medicine so hopefully that will help. He has been stressed out lately with work and then more work when he gets home!

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